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When the Firm began in 1980, there was substantial precedent indicating that claims for commodity futures contract manipulation and price fixing were…

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Lovell Stewart Halebian Jacobson LLP is the premier class action law firm prosecuting claims involving commodity manipulation and price fixing, and exchange related antitrust claims.

Recent News

June 25, 2024

In Memoriam: Victor E. Stewart

With deep regret, the Firm announces the wholly unexpected passing of our beloved partner, Victor E. Stewart. The Firm’s offices are officially closed for Victor’s funeral, which is being held today. We extend our heartfelt condolences to…

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April 30, 2024

Sullivan v. Barclays, 13‑cv‑02811 (PKC)

To date, Plaintiffs have recovered $651.5 million in this class action alleging claims for price fixing and manipulation of certain Euro Interbank Offered Rate (“Euribor”)-based derivatives and financial instruments that reference Euribor.  This…

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September 28, 2023

Burke et al. v. Visa Inc. et al. (D.D.C. Civ.No. 11‑1882 (RJL)

On September 27, the United States Court of Appeals for The District of Columbia denied Defendants Visa and Mastercard petition for rehearing en banc. The United States Court of Appeals for The District of Columbia earlier affirmed the grant of class…

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